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It's safe to say the events industry's expecations were low going into last week's Roadmap announcement. However, after so many false starts, the end might finally be in sight, with a possible return to physical events in the summer. While it's safe to say we're all mindful of the caveats in place, there is definitely a sense that the Autumn will bring a return to some kind of normality.
While prudence will prevail, now's definitely the time to start making some plans, as venues and talent are sure to be in demand!
Below is our press release from last week...
Braced for the onslaught!
Following the Prime Minister’s announcement last night, leading speaker bureau Performing Artistes are bracing themselves for an onslaught of enquiries for physical events in the autumn.
Performing Artistes managing director, JJ Jackson, commented “The announcement last night went beyond our wildest dreams with regards to the event sector. We didn’t dare hope that our industry would even be referenced, let alone be given a date. While we note the PM’s caution, and the tests that need to be fulfilled to get there, this is definitely a positive step in the right direction, and makes physical events in the Autumn look perfectly feasible.
“While our enquiry levels for the first half have of the year have been strong, they have been exclusively virtual, with clients very cagey with regards to the autumn. Many have been considering hybrid offerings, however the overriding attitude has been to wait and see.
“I’m confident this will now mark the turning point when people commit to in person with a vengeance…is it too soon to predict a shortage of talent and venues with such a backlog of events coming back on stream?! Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, but definitely a long overdue dose of good news”